What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

Remember seeing that question all over the place; and do you ever answer it in your mind (or aloud, as I frequently talk to myself :>))?  How about we make a paradigm shift here and realize that some of the advice you would give your younger self can still be applied to your present self.  It ain't over 'til it's over!

Hmmm... I would tell my younger self to stick with piano lessons -- I can still pursue that.  There's a beautiful music studio run by a beautiful entrepreneur in this city, who teaches piano classes... Come on, Belinda, help me out with her web address so I can post it on the blog.  If you would tell your younger self to stay in school, I have a friend who does college counseling if you would like to pursue that degree:  www.steps2thefuture.com.  Remember what I said about those brain synapses, so no excuses like, "I'm too old."  Oh, where is my mind...you are fabulous, so you wouldn't even think about uttering those tired and played out words!

Won't this be fun? Get a bottle of wine (drink for me 'cause I'm on a bit of chemo and can't), a nice notebook and just get those questions and answers down. 


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