
I've been out of pocket for a few days due to some issues between my sweet bod and the mild chemotherapy I'm on; but this fabulous filly might have been down (on the couch/bed) for a minute or two, but never out.

Know what I was thinking about today while I was enjoying my escape to the outdoors?... Purple.  Yep, the color purple (no, not the movie), and a remnant of the little ditty that says something about "when I am old, I will wear purple."  Then I remembered my almost visceral reaction to a purple cane when I was shopping for a new one on Amazon.  The idea kept trying to come forth that purple cane was translating to something much less than sophisticated, but also "ancient and creaky."   Myself immediately said to me, "Oh, hell no.  Well, let me say that I will own that particular hangup -- my issue, entirely.  If someone  chooses purple because she/he truly likes purple, who am I to look askance and mutter?  So, go forth and do purple if that is your love.

I said all of that to say this:  Don't let some arbiter of fashion dictate what colors you wear based on the year of your birth.  Even if you are nine-thousand plus years old and you look smashing in bubblegum pink, by all means wear it; just remember that sometimes too much of a good thing can be an actual real situation.

Another thought -- don't worry about wearing the colors that are "in" during the current season.  Why would you wear an "in" color that makes you look like a wraith or a witch because it doesn't even come close to flattering your coloring?  The "in" color is the one that makes you look and feel like that oft-quoted million bucks!  Yes, pull out O, Vogue, Essence, Instyle, etc., and if the recommendations are right for you, go for it.  And if you feel a bit of trepidation, check out the coloring of the models, but remember that you're looking for the skin's undertone because that is the holy grail.  If you're not sure what your undertone is, visit a department store cosmetics counter for a free consultation, then do your thing!

Gotta go finish up the spaghetti.  Ciao until next time.

p.s.  Let me know if there's a burning issue that you're just dying for me to tackle and put my tickle on it.


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