Healing From -isms

< The first item we must address is the reason for racism, sexism, ageism; and all the other "isms" out there...quite simply, the reason is F.E.A.R.> < Some people say fear means: False Things Appearing Real; or F***K Everything and Run. Unless a bear is after you, I prefer the first definition because if we look around inside our heads and the heads of our family, friends, and acquaintances, we'll find a number of lies or misconceptions that have been taken as truth. Let's explore a few:> < Racism -- Most black people are lazy (LIE)> < Sexism -- Women allow their emotions to lead their decisions/actions (LIE) < Ageism -- Old people (definitely subjective) aren't able to think quickly/able to learn new things well (LIE) < So, how do we rid ourselves of these isms, of which there are more than the three I'm targeting here? < I said that we choose to cloak ourselves in isms out of FEAR, and you probably wonder why someone would be afraid of aged persons -- it could very well be a deep-seated belief that as he gets older, he will lose his personal attributes and characteristics so he projects that belief and is prone to view older citizens negatively. In the same vein, you can see how other -isms can come into play. The good news is that we can change for the better if we truly want to. No, it's not necessarily easy because we're talking about changing pretty>ingrained thought processes, so a major paradigm shift will be necessary. If you work on it consistently, you can effect that change in yourself; and as you work on yourself, encourage people in your circle to do the same. Life is good and can be even better when we respect everyone for who they are and not who we project that they are. Peace & Love


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