
Showing posts from January, 2017

Healing From -isms

< The first item we must address is the reason for racism, sexism, ageism; and all the other "isms" out there...quite simply, the reason is F.E.A.R.> < Some people say fear means: False Things Appearing Real; or F***K Everything and Run. Unless a bear is after you, I prefer the first definition because if we look around inside our heads and the heads of our family, friends, and acquaintances, we'll find a number of lies or misconceptions that have been taken as truth. Let's explore a few:> < Racism -- Most black people are lazy (LIE)> < Sexism -- Women allow their emotions to lead their decisions/actions (LIE) < Ageism -- Old people (definitely subjective) aren't able to think quickly/able to learn new things well (LIE) < So, how do we rid ourselves of these isms, of which there are more than the three I'm targeting here? < I said that we choose to cloak ourselves in isms out of FEAR, and you probably